83+ Blogging Statistics, Facts And Trends In 2025

Blogging is still relevant in 2025. More than 20 billion people read blogs every month. As a result, 55% of marketers say blogging is one of the top marketing strategies to reach an audience. 

Are you planning to start a blog for your business? Or planning to optimize your existing one? This article will help you in both cases. 

In this article, you will get a complete insight into blogging statistics. I have compiled here all the essential statistics of blogging.

Let’s have a look at these statistics.

Blogging Statistics (Top Picks)

BLOGGING statistics
  1.  Globally, there are more than 600 million blogs on the Internet
  1. There are 32.7 million bloggers in the United States as of 2023. 
  1.  76% of bloggers post the most how-to blogs, while 24% post infographics. 
  1. 90.63% of pages get no organic traffic from Google. 
  1. Only 32% of bloggers are checking their blog’s traffic analytics. 
  1. The average cost of posting paid guest posts is around $77.80.
  1. 7% of Bloggers post guest posts on only one site, while 56% post on multiple sites
  1. The average length of blogs was 1376 words in 2022, and it was just 808 in 2014. 
  1. It took 4 hours and 10 mins to write a typical blog post in 2022. This time has increased by 74% from 2014
  1. The bloggers who post 2 to 6 posts weekly get 42% of better results, and those who post monthly get only 16% of better results
  1. 90% of bloggers drive traffic to their content through social media, and 12% do through paid services. 
  1. More than 80% of travel planning starts with the Internet. And this trend is growing day by day. 
  1. WordPress users generate 70 million new blogs and 77 million new monthly comments.
  1. 52% of bloggers said finding time to create and promote content is their biggest challenge in blogging.

Blogging Statistics (General)

Blogging Statistics (General)
  1. Globally, there are more than 600 million blogs on the Internet
  1. There are 32.7 million bloggers in the United States as of 2025. 

A table shows the number of bloggers in the United States from 2014 to 2022. 

YearNumber of Bloggers
201427.4 million
201528.3 million
201629.1 million
201730 million
201830.6 million
201931.2 million
202031.7 million
202132.2 million
202232.7 million
  1. Good quality content is the top factor for a successful blog. It was rated 8.8 out of 10.

A table shows the top factors for a successful blog (Rated 0 to 10).

Top FactorsRatings
Good Quality Content8.8
Eye-catchy Headline and Introduction8.5
Search Engine Optimization7.6
Email Subscribers7.2
Good Blog name and  URL6.3
Social Media Share and Follows6.0
  1. Video blogs produce a strong result, with 41%. 

A table shows the top content formats that produce strong results. 

Content FormatResult
Video Blogs41%
Contributors Quotes34%
Lists and Statistics32%
  1. Bloggers post more than 7.5 million blogs daily

A table shows the frequency of posting blogs on the Internet. 

DurationNumber of Blogs
Daily7.5 million
Weekly52.5 million
Monthly225 million
Yearly2737 million
  1. When Orbit Media conducted the survey and asked questions to bloggers that does blogging work in 2022. Then, 80% of bloggers said blogging could drive results. The remaining findings of the survey are as follows:
The answer of the bloggerShare of respondents
I do not know if the blog delivers value11%
The blog has disappointing results9%
The blogs have some results54%
The blogs have strong marketing results26%
  1. 33% of people read blogs to learn something new, while 20% read for entertainment. 
  1. Only 10% of people read blogs for industry news. 
  1. 77% of internet users read blogs. 
  1. Blogs get 77 million comments monthly. 
  1. Only 32% of bloggers are checking their blog’s traffic analytics. 

A table shows the frequency of checking analytics of blogs. 

FrequencyShare of Responmdenys
I do not have access to analytics4%

Source: Finance Online, Demandsage, Orbit Media, Ahref.

Blog Content Statistics

When it comes to blogs, content plays an important role. What kind of content you use for your blog decides your results.  

Blog Content Statistics

In this section, we will see the top content types, which bloggers use the most, and some other statistics. 

  1. 76% of bloggers post the most how-to blogs, and 24% post infographics. 

A table shows the top content types that bloggers post the most. 

Content-TypeShare of Respondents
How-to article76%
Guides and ebooks (Long form)43%
News and Trends43%
Gated Content27%
  1. 35% of bloggers said Guides and ebooks are the most effective content type. They deliver strong results. 

A table shows the most effective content that delivers the most strong result.

Content-TypeShare of Respondents
Guides and ebooks35%
Gated Content35%
How-to articles28%
News and Trends25%
  1. 67% of bloggers said they always benefit from collaboration with influencers, but, 20% never benefit from it
  1. 27% of bloggers sometimes benefit from collaboration with influencers, and 40% usually benefit from it
  1. 73% of bloggers updated their content more often in 2022, and only 53% updated content in 2017.  

A table shows the percentage of bloggers who update their content more often from 2017 to 2022. 

YearPercentage of Bloggers
  1. 23% of bloggers added a video to their content in 2022, and only 15% added it in 2014. 

A table shows the percentage of bloggers who added a video to their content from 2014 to 2022. 

YearPercentage of Bloggers
  1. 49% of bloggers who add 7 to 10 images to their content get a better result. 

A table shows the percentage of bloggers who get better results based on visuals. 

VisualsBloggers who get better results from visuals
One image21%
2 to 3 images21%
4 to 6 images33%
7 to 10 images49%
More than ten images44%

Source: Orbit Media.

Blogging SEO Statistics

SEO is an essential aspect of blogging. 71% of bloggers believe that SEO is an important traffic source. 

In this section, we will see some crucial statistics about blogging SEO. 

Blogging SEO Statistics
  1. 90.63% of pages get no organic traffic from Google. 

A table shows organic search traffic from Google by visitors.

VisitsPercentage of Pages
0 Visits90.63%
1 to 10 Visits5.29%
11 to 100 Visits2.84%
101 to 1,000 Visits1.04%
More than 1,001 Visits0.21%
  1. Only 5.7% of pages rank in the top 10 positions within a year of publication. 
  1. The average top 10 search pages are over two years old.
  1. Only 5 out of 10 bloggers do keyword research for their blogs.
  1. 17% of bloggers never search for keywords. 
  1. 73% of bloggers often update their old content.
  1. 72% of marketers say quality content writing is the most effective SEO tactic. 

Source: Ahref.

Guest Blogging Statistics

Guest blogging is essential for all businesses to drive traffic. Many bloggers often post guest blogs to get strong results. 

In this section, I have gathered all the essential statistics about guest blogging statistics. 

  1. The average cost of posting paid guest posts is around $77.80
  1. 60% of bloggers post 1 to 5 guest posts monthly.
  1. 7% of Bloggers post guest posts on only one site, while 56% post on multiple sites. 

A table shows the activities of guest post bloggers. 

ActivityShare of Respondents
I post for just one site7%
I post for multiple sites56%
I write the posts52%
I come up with the ideas87%
I do the outreach84%
I do the prospecting85%
  1. 43% of B2B markets do guest posting.  

Source: Ahref.

Blog Length, Frequency, and Time Statistics

Every small thing matters a lot for a successful blog.

Blog Length, Frequency, and Time Statistics

I have compiled all the necessary statistics about blogs’ length, frequency, and posing time here. That may help you in your blogging. 

  1. 75% of blog readers prefer reading articles under 1,000 words. 
  1. The average length of B2B blogs is 1,300 words, and B2C blogs are 1,460
  1. The average length of blogs was 1376 words in 2022, and it was just 808 in 2014. 

A table shows the average length of blogs from 2014 to 2022. 

YearThe Average Length of Blogs
2014808 words
2015887 words
20161054 words
20171142 words
20181151 words
20191236 words
20201269 words
20211416 words
20221376 words
  1. It took 4 hours and 10 mins to write a typical blog post in 2022. This time has increased by 74% from 2014

A table shows the time to write a typical blog post from 2014 to 2022. 

20142 hours and 24 minutes
20152 hours and 35 minutes
20163 hours and 16 minutes
20173 hours and 20 minutes
20183 hours and 28 minutes
20193 hours and 57 minutes
20203 hours and 55 minutes
20214 hours and 1 minute
20224 hours and 10 minutes
  1. 34% of bloggers write blogs of 500 to 1,000 words. 

A table shows the percentage of bloggers by word of blogs. 

WordsPercentage of Bloggers
Less than 500 words5%
500 to 1,000 words34%
1,000 to 1,500 words31%
1,500 to 2,000 words19%
2,000 to 3,000 words8%
More than 3,000 words4%
  1. Only 2% of bloggers post blogs daily, while 24% post weekly

A table shows the frequency of posting blogs. 

Frequency of Posting BlogsShare of Respondents
2 to 6 posts per week12%
Several Per Month24%
Less Than Month6%
Irregular Intervals14%
  1. The bloggers who post 2 to 6 posts weekly get 42% of better results, while those who post monthly get only 16% of better results

A table shows the results of bloggers who post more frequently. 

Frequency of Posting BlogsGet Results
2 to 6 posts per week42%
Several Per Month27%
Less than Monthly14%
At Irregular Intervals17%
  1. The best time to post your blog is 7:00 A.M. because people read the blog posts the most between 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.
  1. Tuesday is the best day to post a blog, followed by Thursday and Monday. 
  1. Bloggers who post regularly are 128% more likely to get strong results
  1. Posting a blog four times a week can drive traffic 3.5 times more than posting just once a week. 

Source: Orbit Media, Ojdigitalsolution.com.

Blog Traffic Statistics

For any blogger, driving traffic to get strong results is essential. 

I have compiled all the critical statistics about blog traffic in this section. 

  1. 90% of bloggers drive traffic to their content through social media, while 12% do through paid services. 

A table shows how bloggers are driving traffic to their content. 

How bloggers are driving traffic to their contentShare of Respondents
Through Social Media90%
Through Search Engine Optimization66%
Through Email Marketing66%
Through Paid Services12%
Through Influencer Collaboration/Outreach8%

Source: Orbit Media.

Travel Blogging Statistics

Nowadays, Travel blogs are gaining popularity. Every traveler searches for the destination before visiting it.

Here I have gathered all the important statistics about travel blogging. 

  1. 59% of travel bloggers run more than one travel blog. 
  1. More than 80% of travel planning starts with the Internet. And this trend is growing day by day. 
  1. 33% of travelers use travel blogs for traveling in the United States. 
  1.  Most travel blogs are 1 to 4 years old
  1. 94% of all travel blogs sell ads. 

Source: Optionmonster.

Blogging Platforms Statistics

There are many blogging platforms, but WordPress maintains its dominance in blogging platforms, with more than 63% of the market share. 

In this section, we will see all the important blogging platforms and their statistics. 

Blogging Platforms Statistics
  1. WordPress users generate 70 million new blogs and 77 million new monthly comments
  1. 71% of blogs on WordPress are written in English. 
  1. The market share of the WordPress platform is 63.7% among all blogging platforms.

A table shows the market share of top blogging platforms. 

Blogging PlatformMarket Share
  1. The Global usage of the WordPress platform is 41.1% among all blogging platforms.

A table shows the Global usage of top blogging platforms. 

Blogging PlatformGlobal Usage
  1. WordPress gets 409 million views on wordPress.com blog pages per month. 
  1. There are 495 million blogs on Tumblr.
  1. Wix has more than 180 million users and 4.2 million paying subscribers
  1. Medium has 400,000 premium subscribers.

Source: Orbit Media, isitwp.com.  

Blogging Income Statistics

There are many platforms where bloggers can earn money. But, still, 33% of bloggers do not earn money at all. 

Here I have compiled all the top websites where you can earn money easily and many more. 

  1. According to TechTipsWithTea, WordPress is the top blogging website to earn easily. 

Here is a table showing the top 10 blogging websites to earn easily. 

RankTop blogging websites to earn easily
  1. 23% of bloggers generate income from Ad/Media networks, while 19% generate from Affiliated Marketing. 

A table shows that from where bloggers are generating income. 

Income Source of BloggersShare of Respondents
Ad/Media Networks23%
Affiliated Marketing19%
Physical Products15%
  1. HuffPost is the top blogger by its revenue. HuffPost generates 500 million in revenue yearly

A table shows the top bloggers by their revenue. 

Top BloggersRevenue
HuffPost500  million
Engadget47.5 million
Moz44.9 million
Perez Hilton41.3 million
Copyblogger33.1 million
Mashable30 million
TechCrunch22.5 million
Envato Tuts+10 million
Smashing Magazine5.2 million
Gizmodo4.8 million
  1. The average income of a blogger is $51,120 annually in the United States
  1. The average monthly salary of the blogger is $8,000
  1. 65% of bloggers make money from freelancing. 
  1. 33% of bloggers do not earn money at all. 
  1. Bloggers who earn more than $50k per year create a non-live video the most. 

A table shows the percentage of bloggers who earn more than $50K per year by video type. 

Video-typeBloggers earning over $50KLower-income bloggers 
Non-live Video42%10%
Paid Promotion31%3%
Live Video26%5%
Manage a Community Forum or Social Media Groups13%3%
Sell an Online Course12%4%
Provide a Free Tool8%1%
  1. The most profitable niche is Food Blog Niche. They have the highest median monthly income of $9,169

Source: TechTipsWithTea, Orbit Media, isitwp.com, Ahref.

Business Blog Statistics

Blogging is essential for any business to promote its brand, reach an audience, increase sales, etc. 

In this section, we will see all the important statistics about business blogs. 

  1. 53% of marketers say blogging is their top content marketing strategy to promote their business. 
  1. 94% of B2C marketers used social media content in the last 12 months. 

A table shows the content type B2C marketers used in the last 12 months. 

Content-TypeShare of Respondents
Social Media Content (e.g., Tweets, Stories)94%
Blog Post/ Short Articles80%
Email Newsletters74%
Videos (Excluding Live Streaming)66%
Infographics/Charts/Images/Dada Viz54%
IOn-Person Event (Live Events, Conferences)50%
  1. 24.17% of bloggers started blogs as an outlet for creative expression, while 16.02% started to become self-employed

A table shows why bloggers started blogging. 

Reason To Start BloggingShare of Respondents
An Outlet For Creative Expression24.17%
Become Self-Employed16.02%
Build An Audience12.33%
Teach What I Know12.43%
Earn More Money12.23%
Build A Company7.38%
Serve A Particular Audience5.34%
It Was A Calling3.59%

Source: Demandsage, Ahref.

Bloggers Challenge Statistics

Before starting any blog, you should know about bloggers’ challenges. 

Here I have compiled all the challenges that bloggers face. These statistics can help you to overcome these challenges in the future.  

  1. 52% of bloggers said finding time to create and promote content is their biggest challenge in Blogging. 

A table shows the top challenges of Blogging. 

Top challenges of BloggingShare of Respondents
Finding time to create and promote content 52%
Getting traffic and attracting visitors46%
Creating quality content consistently39%
Creating enough content consistently33%
Coming up with the relevant topic22%
Getting support from within the organization13%
  1. 27% of internet users used ad-blocking software in the United States in 2021. 

A table shows the Ad-blocking user penetration rate in the United States from 2014 to 2021. 

YearUse of Ad-blocking software

Source: Ahref.

Top Blog Websites Statistics

There are more than 600 million blogs on the internet. But very few get millions of monthly search traffic. 

In this section, we will see the statistics of the top 20 blog websites. 

  1. nerdwallet.com is the leading blogging site according to its monthly search traffic. Its monthly search traffic is 79.2 million. 

A table shows the top 20 blogging websites by monthly search traffic. 

Top Blogging WebsitesMonthly Search Traffic
techradar.com46.5 million
cnet.com29.5 million
digitaltrends.com20.1 million
huffpost.com13.4 million
tomsguide.com13.9 million
nerdwallet.com79.2 million
howtogeek.com13.3 million
pcmag.com21.1 million
techcrunch.com7.4 million
consumerreports.com14.6 million
mashable.com5.8 million
thenextweb.com2.9 million
nymag.com5.2 million
tmz.com5.4 million
thewirecutter.com6.1 million
lifehacker.com4 million
t3.com2.8 million
engadget.com2.4 million
zdnet.com4.9 million
gizmodo.com0.8 million

Source: Firstsiteguide.com.

Conclusion: Blogging Statistics

Whatever your blog is about, your good quality content is essential to attract traffic, audience, and sales success. 

With good content, you need to understand a few more things about blogs, such as the timing of posting a blog, the length of the blog, the frequency of posting, etc. These small things can give you substantial results. 

I hope this compilation of blogging statistics taught you something new and interesting. Use these statistics to start your blog and achieve success. 

FAQs- Blogging Statistics

 What is the success rate of blogging?

On average, 3 out of 10 bloggers report success, while 38% exceed the benchmark of success.

 Are blogs still relevant in 2025?

The world of blogs is still blooming, and many businesses use blog strategies to boost their sales. That’s why we can say blogs are still relevant in 2025 as ever. 

 Who is the richest blogger in the world?

Timothy Sykes is the richest blogger in the world. He earns $1 million per month. 

 What is the ideal blog word count?

The blog word count changes according to your topic and audience. But the ideal blog word count is between 1,500 to 2,000 words. These blog length also changes year by year. 

 How do bloggers get paid?

There are five ways bloggers make money. These five ways are as follows:
1. From ads
2. From affiliated marketing
3. Sponsored Post
4. Sponsored Products
5. Sponsored services

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