70 Essential Digital Marketing Statistics 2025 (Facts & Figures)

Digital marketing has provided new ways to increase your brands’ reach and sales. It has become the need of the era, and most of the companies invest billions and millions in their digital marketing budget. 

If you are a business owner or digital marketer looking for digital marketing insights into detail, then you are at the right place. 

In this article, I have gathered all the critical digital marketing statistics necessary for your business and marketing strategy. 

Let’s take a look.

Digital Marketing Statistics (Top Picks)

Digital Marketing Statistics
  1.  The global digital marketing industry size is $321 billion.
  1.  The global digital advertising and marketing industry reached $531 billion.
  1. Global digital ad spending will reach $740.80 billion in 2024.
  1. Spending on digital advertising is set to reach $271.20 billion in the United States in 2023.
  1. Around 41% of email views come from mobile devices.
  1. 56.96% of traffic comes from mobile as of July 2023. 
  1. 38% of users can leave your website if the layout or content of your website is unattractive. 
  1. 18.8 million online shoppers will be in the United States in 2024. 
  1. There are 183.2 billion active mobile buyers in the United States as of 2023. 
  1. 76.7% of marketers use Instagram for influencer marketing. 
  1. 46% of marketers say their first content marketing goal is to attract more traffic to their website in 2023. 
  1. Globally, $207.10 billion will spend on social media advertising in 2024. 

Global Digital Marketing Industry Statistics

  1. The global digital marketing industry size was $321 billion in 2022

The digital marketing industry on a worldwide scale has experienced significant growth in recent years, achieving new milestones annually.

The industry is expected to experience a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 13.10% from 2023 to 2028, reaching an estimated value of $671.86 billion by 2028.

  1. North America had 36% of the digital marketing market share in 2022. 

North America held the most prominent digital marketing market share worldwide. 

From 2023 to 2032, the digital marketing market in East Asia is projected to grow at a CAGR of 11.7%. 

The United States market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.8% during that same period.

Source: Digital Marketing Market, Expert Market Research. 

Digital Advertising and Marketing Industry 

The digital advertising and marketing industry is one of the vast industries. Keep reading this section to get all the essential information related to this industry.

  1. The global digital advertising and marketing industry reached $531 billion in 2022

The global digital advertising and marketing market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.9% from 2022 to 2030. By 2030, the market is projected to reach $1.5 trillion.

The display segment is expected to record a CAGR of 15.3%, reaching $939.4 billion by the end of the analysis period (2030).

As a result of the continuing recovery from the pandemic, the growth rate for the search segment to a revised CAGR of 12.2% for the next eight years.

  1. The United States digital advertising and marketing industry hit $223.2 billion in 2022

The digital advertising and marketing industry’s market size was the highest in the United States. 

China, the second largest economy in the world, is projected to have a market size of $372.6 billion by 2030 with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.2% between 2022 and 2030.

Japan and Canada are also important geographic markets, with projected growth rates of 7.8% and 9.5%, respectively, from 2022 to 2030.

In Europe, Germany is predicted to have an approximately 11.1% CAGR. 

The Asia-Pacific market, led by countries like Australia, India, and South Korea, is forecasted to reach $213.4 billion by 2030.

Source: Yahoo! Finance. 

Global Digital Ad Spending Statistics

  1. Global digital ad spending will reach $679.80 billion in 2023.

Digital ad spending is on the rise year over year. In 2022, it was recorded to be $614.48 billion, and it is expected to display an increase of $65.32 billion.

Industry experts predict global digital ad spending will reach $910.20 billion by 2027. 

A table shows here global digital ad spending from 2017 to 2027. 

YearGlobal Digital Ad Spending 
2017$243.09 billion
2018$304.95 billion
2019$365.77 billion
2020$433.47 billion
2021$568.63 billion
2022$614.48 billion
2023*$679.80 billion
2024*$740.28 billion
2025*$798.73 billion
2026*$855.01 billion
2027*$910.20 billion


  1. Global ad spending on Search Advertising will be $279.30 billion in 2023.

The most digital ad spending will be on search advertising worldwide. 

The average ad spending per user in the Search Advertising market will be around $58.99 in 2023.

A table shows the total ad spending on search advertising from 2017 to 2027. 

YearGlobal Search Advertising Spending
2017$105.30 billion
2018$131.50 billion
2019$151.40 billion
2020$167.50 billion
2021$230.30 billion
2022$251.70 billion
2023*$279.30 billion
2024*$306.70 billion
2025*$334.40 billion
2026*$362.30 billion
2027*$389.80 billion
  1. Marketers will spend $10.14 billion on audio advertising worldwide in 2023. 

In 2023, marketers are projected to allocate $161.80 billion to Banner Advertising, $176.60 billion to video advertising, and $21.05 billion to classifieds.

Furthermore, global spending on video advertising is expected to reach $229.80 billion by 2027.

Here is a table of ad spending worldwide from 2017 to 2027.

YearVideo AdvertisingAudio AdvertisingBanner AdvertisingClassifieds
2017$35.54 billion$2.71 billion$75.97 billion$17.54 billion
2018$54.10 billion$3.59 billion$89.45 billion$18.24 billion
2019$75.96 billion$4.78 billion$102.70 billion$19.06 billion
2020$107.50 billion$5.56 billion$118 billion$18.77 billion
2021$148.60 billion$7.58 billion$139.90 billion$19.90 billion
2022*$160.20 billion$8.89 billion$147.20 billion$20.15 billion
2023*$176.60 billion$10.14 billion$161.80 billion$21.05 billion
2024*$191.30 billion$11.13 billion$174.40 billion$21.66 billion
2025*$205.20 billion$11.89 billion$185.90 billion$22.11 billion
2026*$217.70 billion$12.43 billion$196.50 billion$22.54 billion
2027*$229.80 billion$12.82 billion$207billion$22.98 billion
  1. In 2023, the share of ad spending on digital advertising for desktop and mobile will be 36% and 64%, respectively

The proportion of ad spending on mobile digital advertising has exceeded that of desktop since 2019. Before 2019, desktops had the majority of the share. 

It is estimated that by 2027, the proportion of ad spending on mobile advertising will increase to 69%. 

A detailed table below shows the complete insights into the share of ad spending on desktop versus mobile from 2017 to 2027.


Source: Statista.

Digital Ad Spending In The United States Statistics

We have just reviewed the global digital advertising expenditure. Now, let’s look at digital advertising expenditure within the United States.

  1. Spending on digital advertising is set to reach $271.20 billion in the United States in 2023.

When looking at ad spending worldwide, it’s worth noting that most of it will come from the United States, with projected spending of $376.50 billion by 2027.

A table shows digital ad spending in the United States from 2017 to 2027. 

YearDigital Ad Spending in the United States
2017$90.08 billion
2018$114.70 billion
2019$139 billion
2020$168.70 billion
2021$224.20 billion
2022$243.90 billion
2023*$271.20 billion
2024*$298.40 billion
2025*$325 billion
2026*$350.90 billion
2027*$376.50 billion

The Search Advertising market is projected to reach a volume of $118.20 billion in 2023, making it the largest market. The average ad spending per user in the Search Advertising market is estimated at $378.60 in 2023.

Google is estimated to hold a 32% market share in the Digital Advertising market in the selected region in 2022.

  1. Mobile advertising will account for a significant portion of digital ad spending in the United States, with an estimated $179.60 billion in 2023.

In the United States, spending on digital ads for mobile devices is projected to surpass desktop spending. 

You can refer to the table below for the digital ad spending comparison between mobile and desktop from 2017 to 2027.

2017$45.63 billion$44.45 billion
2018$60.79 billion$53.91 billion
2019$77.80 billion$61.17 billion
2020$99.32 billion$69.41 billion
2021$137.60 billion$86.60 billion
2022$156 billion$87.84 billion
2023*$179.60 billion$91.58 billion
2024*$203.20 billion$95.16 billion
2025*$226.30 billion$98.66 billion
2026*$248.70 billion$102.20 billion
2027*$270.50 billion$106 billion

Source: Statista.

Digital Ad Spending By Region

  1. Digital Ad spending in Europe will hit $118.30 billion in 2023

It is anticipated that 17.40% of all global ad spending will come from Europe in 2023. 

Meanwhile, digital ad spending in Asia is expected to reach $236.90 billion. 

Here’s a table that shows digital ad spending in 2023 for various regions:

RegionDigital Ad Spending In 2023
Europe$118.30 billion
Asia$236.90 billion
The United States$271.30 billion
China$173.60 billion
Japan$25.61 billion
Global$679.80 billion
  1. The largest market is search advertisement in Asia, which is $81.25 billion in 2023

Search advertisements have the largest market share among all forms of digital marketing, including influencer, video, and others. 

In 2023, the search advertisement market in Asia is expected to reach $81.25 billion, while in Europe, it is expected to reach $56.55 billion. 

Please refer to the table below for a breakdown of ad spending on search advertisements by region.

RegionAd Spending on Search Advertisments In 2023
Europe$56.55 billion
Asia$81.25 billion
The United States$118.20 billion
China$56.11 billion
Japan$10.36 billion
Global$279.30 billion
  1. The average ad spending per user in Europe will be $77.91 in 2023

The average ad spending per user is the most in the United States, with $378.60 in 2023. And globally, it is only $58.99. 

China will spend an average of $109.30 per user on advertising in 2023.

A table shows here the average ad spending per user by region. 

RegionAd Spending per user
The United States$378.60

Source: Statista. 

Email Marketing Statistics

  1. Email marketing revenue is $10.89 billion worldwide as of 2023

Industry experts predict email marketing revenue will reach $17.90 billion by 2027. Email marketing revenue is increasing continue year by year. 

From 2020 to 2023, $3.39 billion in email marketing revenue increased. 

A table shows here email marketing revenue from 2020 to 2027. 

YearEmail Marketing Revenue
2020$7.5 billion
2021$8.49 billion
2022$9.62 billion
2023$10.89 billion
2024*$12.33 billion
2025*$13.69 billion
2026*$15.81 billion
2027*$17.90 billion
  1. Around 41% of email views come from mobile devices. 

As of 2023, there are 4.3 billion email users. Of these, 41% access emails using mobile devices, while 39% prefer desktop views. 

This implies that 1.76 billion and 1.67 billion email users access their emails through mobile and desktop devices, respectively.

Below is a table showing email views and users by device.

DeviceShare of ViewThe Number of Email Users
Mobile41%1.76 billion
Desktop39%1.67 billion
Tablet 19%0.81 billion
Other1%0.043 billion
  1. The most effective strategy for email marketing is a subscriber campaign, with 78%

The top three strategies for successful email marketing campaigns are subscriber segmentation, with a reported effectiveness of 78%, message personalization at 72%, and email automation campaigns at 71%.

  1. 13.33% of marketers send daily emails for email marketing campaigns.

 33% of marketers send emails weekly, while 26% send emails multiple times monthly. 

The following table shows the email-sending frequency of marketers for email marketing campaigns. 

FrequencyShare of Marketers
Multiple times per week13.33%
Multiple times per month26.67%
  1. 99% of email users view their emails daily. 

Nearly all email users (99%) check their inboxes daily, with some individuals checking as many as 20 times daily. 

Over half (58%) of consumers report checking their email first thing in the morning. An overwhelming majority (84.3%) of consumers say they check their emails at least once daily.

A table shows here the frequency of checking emails of email users. 

FrequencyShare of respondents
More than five times a day25.4%
2-5 times a day37.9%
Once a day21%
A couple of times a week8.1%
Once a week4.8%
Once a month2.9%

Source: Hubspot Statista.

Search Engine Optimization Statistics

In this section, you’ll find all the key stats about search engine optimization that will assist you in planning your digital marketing strategy.

  1. 56.96% of traffic comes from mobile as of July 2023. 

In the first quarter of 2015, mobile device internet traffic accounted for less than one-third (31.16%) of total internet traffic. 

This means mobile device internet traffic has increased by approximately 75% since 2015. 

Furthermore, the percentage of people accessing the internet via mobile devices has increased each quarter, with Q1 2017 being the first time mobile traffic surpassed traffic from desktop computers.

Optimizing your website for mobile devices can add extra benefits to your account. And this trend will continue in 2023. To know more about SEO trends, check out this article.

A table shows here complete insights into mobile traffic from 2015 to 2023. (the first quarter of the year)

YearShare of Mobile Traffic
2015 (Q1)31.16%
2016 (Q1)39.47%
2017 (Q1)50.03%
2018 (Q1)51.77%
2019 (Q1)48.71%
2020 (Q1)51.92%
2021 (Q1)54.80%
2022 (Q1)59.66%
2023 (As of July 2023)56.96%
  1. 146 million voice assistant users are in the United States as of 2023. 

27% of people use voice search on mobile devices, while roughly 6.6% of residents in the United States use voice assistants.

There will be 157.10 million voice assistants in the United States by the end of 2026. 

A table shows the number of voice assistants in the United States from 2017 to 2026. 

YearThe Number of Voice Assistant Users
201779.9 million
2018103.9 million
2019115.2 million
2020128 million
2021132 million
2022142 million
2023146 million
2024*149.8 million
2025*153.5 million
2026*157.1 million


  1. 90.63% of web pages get no organic search traffic from Google. 

Only the highest-performing 0.21% of Google pages receive over 1,001 visitors, while 1.04% receive between 101 and 1,000 visits. 

Please refer to the table for more detailed information on organic search traffic to Google web pages.

VisitorsThe Percentage of Google Pages
0 Visits90.63%
1 to 10 visits5.29%
11 to 100 visits2.84%
101 to 1,001 visits1.04%
More than 1,001 views0.21%
  1. 94.74% of the keywords receive ten or fewer monthly searches.

Analysis of the US database from Ahrefs has yielded a search volume distribution of 4 billion keywords. 

However, it is worth noting that only a small percentage, 0.0008%, receives over 100,000 monthly searches. This amounts to a total of 31,339 keywords. 

For a more comprehensive understanding of the volume search of these keywords, please refer to the table provided below.

Search VolumeThe Percentage of KeywordsThe Number of Keywords
0 to 10 94.74%3,814,523,865
11 to 1,0005.14%206,978,643
1,001 to 100,0000.10%4,066,678
More than 100,0000.0008%31,339
  1. 61% of marketers have identified generating traffic and leads as their primary search engine optimization (SEO) challenge.

A survey found that 39% of marketers face difficulties proving the return on investment (ROI) in SEO, while 25% find website management challenging. 

In addition, 27% identified securing a budget as their primary concern. Please refer to the table below for more information on the top SEO challenges.

SEO ChallengesShare of Respondents
Generating Traffic and Leads61%
Proving ROI 39%
Securing Budget27%
Managing Websites25%
Getting the Right Tech24%
Training 23%
Hiring 22%
International Audiences20%
Finding Executive Sponsors8%

Source: Ahref, Wordstream. 

Note: If you want more figures and stats related to SEO Statistics, you can check out this article

Website Statistics

To plan for digital marketing, focus on website design and read on for valuable insights on website statistics.

  1. 38% of users can leave your website if the layout or content of your website is unattractive. 

Your website has about half a second to make a good impression on visitors. 38% of people will stop engaging if the content or layout is unappealing. 

Three-quarters of consumers say that a company’s website design affects their perception of its credibility. 

On the other hand, websites that provide a superior user experience see a 400% higher conversion rate.

  1. Most individuals (nearly 60%) would not suggest a company to their friends and family, which is poorly designed.

If your website is poorly designed, it can affect your user experience. It’s important to note that about 40% of website visitors will abandon a site if images take too long to load. 

Shockingly, 70% of small business websites lack a call to action on their homepage. And nearly 90% of consumers will turn to a competitor after a poor website experience.

Source: Wordstream. 

E-commerce Statistics

  1. There will be 218.8 million online shoppers in the United States in 2023. 

There is a significant customer base in the world’s second-largest ecommerce market. In fact, with an expected population of 335.25 million people, this represents approximately 65% of the total population engaging in online shopping in the United States. 

Furthermore, online shopping has been on a steady rise over the years and is expected to continue to grow in the foreseeable future.

  1. In 2023, e-commerce sales share will be 20.8% of total retail sales globally

Ecommerce is gradually gaining dominance. The data presented here indicate that ecommerce is an increasingly significant component of global trade. 

Its rapid expansion will comprise 24% of global retail sales by 2026.

  1. 50.8% of people shop online due to free delivery in 2023. 

There are numerous reasons why people choose to shop online, with free delivery being the most common. Following that, 38.7% of shoppers indicated that coupons and discounts were the primary motive for online shopping.

Additionally, 30.8% of shoppers reported that an easy returns policy influenced their purchase of products online.

Below is a table highlighting the primary reasons for online shopping in 2023.

Top ReasonsShare of Respondents
Free Delivery50.8%
Discounts and Coupons 38.7%
Customer’s review31.4%
Easy Return Policy30.8%
Fast Delivery (next day)27.7%
Easy Checkout Process27.6%
Loyalty points24.5%
Good comments and likes on social media21.3%
Eco-friendly product or company17.8%
Interest-free payments17%

Source: Oberlo. 

Mobile Commerce Statistics

The proportion of mobile commerce in total retail ecommerce is increasing yearly. Let’s gather all the vital information about mobile commerce.

  1. There are 183.2 billion active mobile buyers in the United States as of 2023. 

The number of mobile buyers in the United States is increasing each year. By 2023, almost 65% of the population will shop online through mobile devices.

In 2020, there were 167.8 million active mobile buyers, accounting for 61% of the American population.

By 2024, the number of active mobile buyers is projected to reach 187.5 million, meaning that 66% of the US population will be active.

The table below shows the number of active mobile buyers and their proportion in the total US population from 2020 to 2024:

YearActive mobile buyersShare of population
2020167.8 million61%
2021173.3   million62%
2022178.7 million64%
2023183.2 million65%
2024*187.5 million66%
  1. Mobile ecommerce is anticipated to represent 42.9% of all ecommerce sales by 2024.

A significant portion of your customers will access your website using a mobile device. 

Additionally, annual mobile ecommerce sales in the US are projected to increase from $284 billion in 2020 to $488 billion in 2024.

  1. Sales in the M-commerce industry are expected to surpass $511.80 billion in 2023 and $710.42 billion in 2025 in the United States.

According to eMarketer’s study, mobile sales will account for 42% of total retail sales in the United States by 2023. 

The percentage of M-commerce is expected to continue to grow, increasing from 37% in 2019 to 44% in 2025.

The table below provides a detailed overview of the M-commerce market size and market share in the United States from 2019 to 2025.

YearM-commerce Market SizeM-commerce Market Share
2019$220.67 billion37%
2020$311.93 billion41%
2021$362.11 billion39%
2022$431.40 billion41%
2023$511.80 billion42%
2024$604.50 billion43%
2025$710.42 billion44%

In 2020, there was a significant increase in the market share of M-commerce, which is attributed to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. Retail m-commerce sales share is 6.5% in the United States as of 2023

Retail m-commerce sales share in the United States is continuously increasing. It was just 4.1% in 2019. That increased by 2.4% in 2023. 

Industry experts predict that it will be over 8.7% by 2026. 

A table shows retail m-commerce sales share in the United States from 2019 to 2026. 

YearRetail M-commerce Sales Share 

Source: eMarketer.

Influencer Marketing Statistics

Influencer marketing is booming. Recommendations from influencers increasingly influence consumers. Here are some key statistics.

  1. Influencer ad spending will be 30.81 billion worldwide in 2023.

There has been a rapid increase in influencer ad spending every year, with a $24.77 billion increase from 2017 to 2023. 

Influencer ad spending is expected to reach $47.80 billion by the end of 2027. 

Below is a table that shows influencer ad spending from 2017 to 2027.

YearInfluencer Ad Spending
2017$6.04 billion
2018$8.07 billion
2019$11.87 billion
2020$16.04 billion
2021$22.35 billion
2022$26.34 billion
2023*$30.81 billion
2024*$35.09 billion
2025*$39.33 billion
2026*$43.54 billion
2027*$47.80 billion
  1. 93% of marketers use influencer marketing as of 2023.

Over 50% of marketers use influencer marketing regularly. One-fourth of them use it “frequently,” while almost one-third have it as an ongoing strategy.

Since influencer marketing is still in its early stages, its usage and growth are impressive. 

Less than one-third (27.9%) of marketers have been using influencer marketing for over three years, 20.9% have used it for less than a year, and only a few (7%) have never used it.

  1. 90% of marketers believe influencer marketing is effective. 

Due to the effectiveness of influencer marketing, three-quarters of marketers have allocated a specific budget for their influencer marketing activities, and up to 62% even plan to increase their expenditure. 

Other statistics on influencer marketing also support this trend, with just under seven out of ten US marketers in companies with at least 100 employees planning to use this approach. 

Additionally, influencer and paid content are expected to constitute 20% of digital marketers’ and agencies’ advertising budgets.

  1. 76.7% of marketers use Instagram for influencer marketing. 

Instagram is the most widely used influencer marketing platform among brands. As many as 76.7% of marketers and agency professionals plan to incorporate it into their influencer marketing strategy by 2023. 

Following Instagram, Facebook – often considered the king of social media – is expected to be used by nearly three in five (58%) marketers.

A table shows more insights into the most popular social media channels for influencer marketing. 

Social Media ChannelShare of Marketers
Instagram 76.7%

Source: Influencer Marketing Hub.

Content Marketing Statistics

Producing top-notch content is crucial in attracting visitors to your website. In this section, we will explore the key insights into effective content marketing.

  1. 46% of marketers say their first content marketing goal is to attract more traffic to their website in 2023. 

According to data from Semrush, 45% of markets use content marketing to increase brand awareness, while 34% use it to generate leads. 

In addition, many marketers use it to generate sales or revenue and improve customer loyalty and engagement at 25% and 23%, respectively. 

The following table provides further insights into these figures.

Content Marketing GoalsShare of Marketers
Attract more traffic to the website46%
Increase Brand Awareness45%
Generate Leads34%
Generate Sales or Revenue25%
Improve Customer Loyalty and Engagement 23%
Build and Nurture a subscriber or followers base17%
Promote new products/improve product positioning11%
Others 0%
  1. 52% of marketers say creating and posting content more often is their top strategy for gaining more organic traffic. 

B2B businesses can increase organic website traffic by creating and posting more (52%) content and improving existing content (51%). These strategies were cited as the most effective among all respondents.

A table shows all content marketing strategies B2B marketers use to get more traffic. 

Content Marketing Strategies to get more Organic TrafficShare of Marketers
Creating and posting content more often52%
Improving the quality of Content51%
Paying attention to keyword research40%
Creating more research-driven content39%
Analyzing search intent for content38%
Improving Technical SEO36%
Building topic clusters and content hubs29%
Link Building and Guest posting22%
Winning Feature Snippet9%
  1. 55% of marketers say attracting quality leads with content is their top content marketing challenge. 

42% of marketers consider generating ROI and sales through content their most significant content marketing challenge, while 38% prioritize generating traffic. 

Other challenges include creating content faster (37%), ranking in search engines (33%), and generating content ideas (33%).

In addition, 30% of marketers struggle with creating content that resonates with their target audience, while 23% struggle with producing high-quality, original content.

Source: Semrush. 

Social Media Marketing Statistics

  1. Globally, $207.10 billion will spend on social media advertising in 2023. 

Social media advertising spending is expected to hit $247.30 billion by the close of 2027. This represents an increase of more than $155 billion from 2017 to 2023.

A table illustrates the overall social media advertising spending between 2017 and 2027.

YearGlobal Social Media Ad Spending
2017$51.32 billion
2018$73.28 billion
2019$97.50 billion
2020$132.80 billion
2021$180.90 billion
2022$189.50 billion
2023*$207.10 billion
2024*$219.80 billion
2025*$230 billion
2026*$238.80 billion
2027*$247.30 billion
  1. 30% of all digital ad spending comes from social media in 2023. 

The proportion of ad spending on social media has been gradually declining since 2022 and is projected to drop to 27% by 2027.

In 2022, social media advertising accounted for 31% of all digital ad spending. 

The following table displays the proportion of social media Ad spending in all digital ad spending from 2017 to 2027.

YearSocial Media ShareNon-Social Media Share
  1. 4.89 billion people use social media worldwide as of 2023. 

The global number of social media users has reached a record high of 4.89 billion people, which means 61.25% of the world’s population uses social media as of 2023. 

From 2022 to 2023, 300 million social media users increased. In 2017, there were only 2.73 billion social media users. 

Furthermore, this number will increase to approximately 5.85 billion users by 2027. 

  1. Facebook is the most popular social media platform worldwide, with 2,958 million users as of 2023.

Facebook is the most widely used social media platform, with YouTube behind at 2,514 million users. 

Both WhatsApp and Instagram have 2 billion users each. 

Below is a table that displays the top 15 most popular social media platforms as of 2023.

Social Media PlatformThe Number of Social Media Users
Facebook2,958 million
YouTube2,514 million
WhatsApp2,000 million
Instagram 2,000 million
WeChat1,309 million
TikTok1,051 million
Facebook Messanger931 million
Douyin715 million
Telegram 700 million
Snapchat 635 million
Kuaishou626 million
Sina Weibo584 million
QQ574 million
Twitter556 million
Pinterest445 million
  1. 77% of businesses use social media to reach their audiences. 

Businesses are quick to adopt new technology, and in today’s digital business landscape, it’s not surprising that 77% of small businesses use social media to connect with their customers. 

Social media is a powerful tool for building brand awareness (44%) and driving revenue, with 41% of small businesses relying on it.

  1. 76% of social media users have bought something they saw on social media. 

After seeing the product on social media, the purchasing process may differ among customers, with 11% making an immediate purchase, 44% postponing online purchases for a later time, and 21% choosing to buy in a physical store. 

However, 76% of users have purchased based on a brand’s social media post shows the significant impact social media has had on the retail industry.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that 90% of social media users choose to follow at least a single brand on social media.

Source: Forbes, Statista. 

Social Media Platforms Statistics


Facebook is the most popular social media platform. Let’s take a closer look at some important insights about Facebook.

  1. 93% of social media marketers use Facebook Ads. 

Most social media marketers utilize paid Facebook Ads, with Instagram Ads following closely behind at 24%. 

LinkedIn ads are used by 16% of marketers, while 15% use Twitter ads. Snapchat ads are only used by 1% of marketers, Pinterest ads by 3%, and YouTube ads by 11%.

  1. On average cost-per-click of Facebook ads is $1.46 across all industries

A recent study discovered that the Finance and Insurance industry has the highest CPC at $4.21, while the apparel industry has the lowest at just $0.50.

B2B industries have, on average, $2.81 cost-per-click for Facebook ads. A table shows here the cost-per-click of Facebook ads across some of industries. 

IndustryCost-per-click of Facebook Ads
Auto $2.50 
Customer Services$3.44 
Employment & Jobs Training$3.03 
Finance & Insurence$4.21
Fitness $2.12 
Home Improvement $3.27
Industrial Services$2.39 
Legal $1.47 
Real Estate $2.02
Retail $0.78 
Technology $1.42
Travel & Hospitality$0.70 

Source: The Social Shepherd.


Instagram is a crucial social media platform for marketing. Let’s take a look at some of the essential statistics about it.

  1. The average engagement rate of Instagram business account posts is 0.54%

The average engagement rate varies for Instagram Business accounts by post type, such as video, image, etc. 

On average, video posts tend to have a slightly higher engagement rate (0.61%) than photos (0.46%). 

  1. 43 million people purchased from Instagram in the United States as of 2023. 

According to projections, the number of people in the United States buying items from Instagram is expected to reach 47.50 million by 2025. 

This represents a significant increase from the 21.6 million users who made purchases on the platform in 2019, more than double the number of users who purchased items just four years earlier.

  1. Instagram sends 7.51% of total social media traffic

Although it may not seem like much, Instagram is actually the third most popular social media platform, following Facebook and Twitter. (Facebook dominates this category by a large margin, with 71.64% of the market share.)

It’s worth noting that Instagram’s share of web traffic saw a remarkable 88.2% increase last year, while Facebook’s share decreased by 0.8%.

  1. 40% of people in the United States are more likely to purchase from Instagram. 

According to Jungle Scout, 71% of Gen Z adults in the United States are likely to make a purchase directly via Instagram. 

This percentage is higher compared to the 40% of adults overall who say the same. It’s worth noting that older generations are generally less likely to buy from social networks.

Source: Hootsuit, Jungle Scout.


  1. TikTok Ads has reached 945.2 million users as of 2023

The ad reach on this platform has increased by 14.6% (121 million) since 2021, indicating a growing advertising opportunity.

TikTok’s advertising audience is predominantly female, with 53.1% of users being women.

If your target audience includes Millennials and Gen Z, TikTok is an excellent platform to reach them. 

The 18-34 age range on TikTok has a 36.9% female audience and a 32.8% male audience, making it a valuable demographic for advertising.

  1. In the United States, 32.5% of TikTok users fall under the age group of 10 to 19 years old.

TikTok’s second largest age group is 20 to 29 years old, accounting for 29.5% of users. 

This is followed by the 30 to 39-year-old age group and the 40 to 49-year-old age group, with 16.4% and 13.9% respectively. 

Users over 50 constitute the smallest age group on TikTok, representing only 7.1% of users.

  1. TikTok’s highest reach is in Saudi Arabia, with 64.2%

There are 22.37 million TikTok users in Saudi Arabia who are over the age of 18. The platform’s ad reach in the country was notable, covering 64.2% of the local internet user demographic. 

Of those who saw TikTok ads in Saudi Arabia, 39.1% were women, while 60.9% were men.

Source: Influencer Marketing Hub. 


  1. YouTube Ads reached 2.56 billion people as of 2023.

It has the capacity to connect with over 2.56 billion individuals, which equates to 32% of the global population and 51% of those who use the internet.

YouTube Ads have reached an impressive 2.09 billion 18 years or older users. 

Additionally, the reach of YouTube Ads saw an increase of 11.9% from 2022 to 2023.

  1.  India is YouTub’s leading market, with 467 million users

The United States has the second largest audience, with a reach of 247 million, which is considered relatively low compared to other countries.

Indonesia is the third leading country in YouTube users, with 139 million users. A table shows here the top 10 countries with YouTube users. 

Top CountryThe Number of YouTube Users
India467 million
The United States247 million
Indonesia139 million
Brazil138 million
Russia106 million
Japan102 million
Mexico80.60 million
Germany72.60 million
Pakistan71.70 million
Vietnam62.50 million
  1. YouTube Ad revenue was $6.69 billion in the first quarter of 2023. 

Alphabet’s financial results for Q1 2023 show that YouTube’s ad revenue for the first three months was $6.69 billion, a 2.6% decrease from the previous year’s $6.87 billion. 

Although any decrease in revenue is concerning, it’s important to note that this comes after a couple of years of exceptional performance.

Source: Hootsuit, RouteNote. 

Related Reads:

Staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the digital marketing industry enables you to flexibly adjust your strategy to meet the changing needs of your target audience. 

Utilize this valuable data to shape your marketing plan for the upcoming year, and effectively increase brand awareness and drive conversions.

To get more recent updates, please continue to check back on this article, as we will be updating it from time to time.

FAQs: Digital Marketing Statistics

What is the share of Digital marketing in all marketing?

Digital marketing channels account for 72% of overall marketing budgets, with digital marketing comprising 55% of all marketing efforts.

What gives the most profit in digital marketing?

The retainer model is the most profitable business model for digital marketing agencies. Clients pay a monthly fee for various services, such as social media management, content creation, and SEO.

Is digital marketing challenging?

Digital marketing is a modern approach to marketing that can drive significant website growth. In fact, learning digital marketing is not challenging as one might think.

What is the next biggest thing in digital marketing?

Digital marketing’s rapid evolution has uncovered the industry’s next big thing: Artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly impact how digital marketing is done.

Which social media platform is a digital marketer’s favorite?

When it comes to social media marketing for businesses, some of the top platforms to consider are Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat.

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