125+ SEO Statistics For 2025 (Data & Facts)

SEO Statistics - TheSEOProject

The worth of the SEO industry is more than $50 billion as of 2025. It is expected to grow immensely in the future.

If you are a marketer or SEO specialist and want to know all the essential statistics of SEO, here we compiled all the vital statistics about SEO. 

These SEO statistics will help you to build your SEO strategy in 2025. 

Without wasting time, let’s see it.

Top SEO Statistics 2025 (Top Picks)

  1. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning is the top shift in SEO, with 18.7% worldwide as of 2023
  1. Google’s search engine market share is 93.18% in 2023. 
  1. 76% of people visit local businesses after searching on mobile for those local businesses. 
  1. “Near me” and “Where to buy” search queries are increased by 200% in recent years. 
  1. When 1.3 YouTube videos were analyzed, it was found that the number of likes, comments, views, and shares is strongly related to YouTube ranking.
  1. 96% of people watch learner videos of products or brands before buying that. 
  1.  55% of all traffic comes from mobile. 
  1. 20% of the email marketing campaigns are not mobile-optimized. 
  1. Over 40% of all voice search answers are pulled from feature snippets. 
  1. 39.4% of all internet users in the United States use voice assistance at least once every month.
  1. 57% of marketers think content development is the most effective marketing strategy. 
  1. SaaS companies that use content marketing have 30% higher growth than those that do not use content marketing. 
  1. Over 90.63% of pages do not get organic search traffic on Google. 
  1. Guest posting and content marketing are the most effective link-building methods, with 11.7% and 12.5%, respectively
  1. 37.9% of SEO professionals state that budget constraints is the main challenge for search engine optimization. 

SEO Statistics (General)

  1. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning is the top shift in SEO, with 18.7% worldwide as of 2023.

The following table shows leading shifts in SEO worldwide as of 2023. 

Leading Shifts in SEOShare of Respondents
Artificial Intelligence and machine learning18.7%
Google Updates18%
Third-Party cookie changes13.9%
Google zero-click pages12.9%
Talent competition11.5%
Site Security10%
Government Regulations9.6%
Do not think there are any4.7%

Source: Statista.

Search Engine Statistics

Search Engine Statistics

Google is the dominating player in the search engine market, with more than 90% of the market share as of 2023. 

In this section, we will see all the important statistics about search engines. 

  1. Google’s search engine market share is 93.18% in 2023. 

This table shows search engines’ market share in 2023.

Search EngineMarket Share
  1. Google’s search engine market share is 88.73% in the United States in 2023. 

The following table shows search engines’ market share in the United States in 2023.

Search EngineMarket Share
  1. Google was visited 80.2 trillion times in February 2023
  1. An average internet user uses Google 3-4 times daily
  1. 26.9% of Google’s traffic comes from the United States. 

This table shows the top countries that send the most traffic to Google. 

RankTop CountriesShare of traffic
1.The United States26.9%
4.The United Kingdom3.95%
  1. Almost 29.22% of Bing’s traffic comes from the United States.

This table shows the top countries that send the most traffic to Bing.

Top CountriesShare of Traffic
The United States29.22%
  1. 0.11% of Ecosia’s traffic comes from the United States. 

This table shows the top countries that send the most traffic to Ecosia. 

Top CountriesShare of Traffic
The United States0.11%
The United Kingdom0.31%
  1. 2.52% of DuckDuckGo’s traffic comes from the United States.

This table shows the top countries that send the most traffic to DuckDuckGo. 

Top CountriesShare of Traffic
The United States2.52%
The United Kingdom0.87%
  1. The age group of 25 to 34 years makes up 31.35% of all Google audiences

This table shows the total audience of Google by age group. 

Age GroupShare of Audience
18 to 24 years23.66%
25 to 34 years31.35%
35 to 44 years19.32%
45 to 54 years12.49%
55 to 64 years8.13%
More than 64 years5.04%
  1. Google receives 94.47% of traffic from direct searches. 

The following table shows the total breakdown of Google traffic. 

SourceShare of traffic
Search Keywords0.48%
Display Advertising0.04%
  1. Mobile contributes 57.24% of searches on search engines worldwide in 2023. 

The table below shows the searches on search engines worldwide in 2023 by the device. 

DevicesShare of the device in search engine searches
  1. Mobile searches share on search engines is 43.15% in the United States in 2023.

This table shows the searches on search engines in the United States as of 2023 by the device. 

DevicesShare of the device in search engine searches
  1. Chrome holds 64.8% of the browser market worldwide in 2023. 

The following table shows the share market worldwide in 2023 by the browser.

BrowserMarket Share
Samsung Internet2.57%
UC Browser0.89%
  1. In the United States, Google.com gets 59.30% of all searches. 

This table shows the distribution of U.S. searches across ten web properties. 

Web PropertiesShare in the U.S.
Google Images26.79%
Google Maps2.09%
Google News0.28%

Source: Demandsage, Statista, Statcounter, Moz.

Local SEO Statistics

Nearly 4.5/10 people Google search for local businesses.

For local businesses, it is essential to plan correct SEO strategies for their business. 

In this section, we will see all the important statistics about local SEO. 

Local SEO Statistics
  1. 46% of Google searches are for local services or local businesses. 
  1. 25% of websites of small businesses do not have H1 tags. 

The following table shows the percentage of small and medium businesses’ sites with SEO features. 

SEO FeaturesPercentage of SMB sites
Title Tags99%
Meta Desc72%
  1. 28% of local searches turned into purchases. 
  1. 76% of people visit local businesses after searching on mobile for those local businesses one day before.  
  1. 97 billion searches are for local businesses in a month. 

This table shows the searches for local businesses by time period. 

Time PeriodSearches for local businesses
In a year1.17 trillion
In a month97 billion
In a day3.2 billion
Every second37K
  1. 30% of searches on mobile are related to location. 
  1. 54% of searches for local businesses search for business hours, and 53% search for the location of businesses. 
  1. “Near me” and “Where to buy” search queries are increased by 200% in recent years. 
  1. “Store open near me” search queries increased by 250%. 

Source: Backlinko, Ahref.

Video SEO statistics

97% of people watch detailed videos of a product before purchasing it. People want to watch more videos about products and brands. 

In this section, we will see all the important statistics about video SEO. 

  1. The first page YouTube video average length is 14 minutes and 50 seconds
  1. 68.2% of YouTube’s first page is HD videos. 
  1. When 1.3 YouTube videos were analyzed, it was found that the number of likes, comments, views, and shares is strongly related to YouTube ranking. 
  1. Videos that bring new subscribers will likely rank higher on YouTube.
  1. Video and posts can bring more backlinks and see over 157% boost in search traffic
  1. 49% of markets say they make revenue faster by using video in their marketing strategy. 
  1. 51% of marketing professionals say videos are the best content for ROI. 
  1. 64% of shoppers watching the brand’s videos on social media make purchases. 
  1. 85% of all internet users in the United States interact with video content monthly. 
  1. 86% of customers want to watch more videos from the brand they support. 
  1. Videos on social media generate 1200% more shares than images and text.
  1. 96% of people watch learner videos of products or brands before buying that. 
  1. The sweet spot of video ads is 6 to 10 seconds
  1. 72% of markets made explainer videos in their marketing strategy. 
Video SEO statistics

The below table shows the type of videos markets uses for their marketing strategy. 

Video TypeShare of Marketers
Explainer Videos72%
Presentation Videos49%
Testimonial Videos48%
Sales Videos and Video Ads42%
  1. 87% of marketers said videos gave them positive returns on investment in 2021. 

This table shows the percentage of marketers who got positive returns on investment due to video marketing strategy from 2015 to 2021.  

YearShare of Marketers
  1. The video engagement rate of Facebook is 0.26% which is 0.11% higher than the average engagement rate for video, 0.15%.
  1. On Twitter, video watch time of entertained videos is +85%

The following table shows Twitter’s total video watch time by category. 

CategoryVideo Watch Time
  1. Instagram video ads get 3X times more engagement than image ads. 

Source: Ahref, Backlinko, Wordstream.

Mobile SEO statistics

There are 7.33 billion mobile users worldwide as of 2023. They make up almost 94% of total world’s population. 

As a result, Mobile SEO has become essential nowadays. 

In this section, we will see all the important statistics about mobile SEO. 

  1. 55% of all traffic comes from mobile. 
  1. The top 80% of ranked pages are optimized for mobile. 
  1. 30% of all mobile searches are location-based. 
  1. 20% of the email marketing campaigns are not mobile-optimized. 
  1. Mobile contributes 58% of all Google searches. 
  1. 51% of searchers found new businesses while searching on mobile. 
  1. 87% of mobile users use search engines daily. 
  1. 20% of voice searches come from mobile.
  1. 90% of smartphone users are unsure about which brand to purchase. 
  1. 33.33% of email clicks are attributed to mobile devices. 

Source: Demandsage.

Voice SEO statistics

According to Oberlo, 50% of the population in the United States uses voice assistance daily. People started using voice assistance like never before. 

Voice SEO statistics

In this section, we will see all the important statistics about voice SEO. 

  1. Over 40% of all voice search answers are pulled from feature snippets. 
  1. HTTPS websites comprise over 70% of voice search result pages
  1. Voice search answers contain an average of 29 words
  1. 39.4% of all internet users in the United States use voice assistance at least once every month. 
  1. There are 122.7 million people in the United States who use voice assistance. 

This table shows the number of voice assistant users from 2017 to 2021. 

YearNumber of people who use voice assistancePercentage of users of voice assistance (% of the total population)
201779.90 million24.5%
2018102 million31.1%
2019111.80 million33.8%
2020117.70 million35.4%
2021122.70 million36.6%
  1. 40% of adults use voice assistance daily. 
  1. 1 million voice assistance searches are conducted each month. 
  1. 24% of people aged between 16 to 24 years use mobile searches. 
  1. The smartphone is the most popular device for voice searches, with 57%

The following table shows the most popular devices for voice searches. 

DevicesShare of device
TV remote21%
Car Navigation20%
  1. The age group of 25 to 49 use voice searches more than all, with 65%. 

This table shows the use of voice searches by age group. 

Age GroupUse of voice search
18 to 24 years59%
25 to 49 years65%
More than 50 years57%
  1. 36% of people use Apple Siri’s voice assistance. 

The following table shows some popular voice assistances.

Voice AssistanceMarket share
Apple Siri36%
Google Assistant36%
Amazon Alexa25%
Microsoft Cortana19%

 Source: Demandsage, Blogging Wizard, Semrush.

Content Marketing SEO Statistics

46% of marketers use content strategy to attract traffic. It is the best strategy in marketing to increase sales. 

In this section, we will see all the important statistics about Content Marketing statistics. 

  1. 57% of marketers think content development is the most effective marketing strategy. 
  1. 47% of users interact with 3 to 5 pages of content before contacting the business. 
  1. 27% of marketers spend less than $1,000 on content marketing. 

This table shows the spending on content marketing. 

Money spends on content marketingShare of respondents
Less than $1,00027%
$1,000 to $3,00019%
$3,000 to $5,00020%
$5,000 to $10,00017%
$10,000 to $20,00010%
More than $20,0006%
  1. 28% of marketers said they would increase their content marketing budget by 11% to 25% in 2023. 

The following table shows the share of marketers who said they would change their content marketing budget in 2023. 

Change in budgetPercentage of changeShare of marketers
Medium increase11% to 25%28%
Small increaseUp to 10%25%
Remain unchanged21%
Large increaseMore than 25%16%
I don’t know6%
  1. 73% of marketers use social media for promoting content marketing. 

This table shows the ways of promoting content. 

Ways of promoting content Share of Respondents
Social Media73%
Email Marketing53%
Paid Social Media Ads51%
Organic Search33%
PR and Media Outreach28%
Influencer Marketing25%
Guest Posting For content promotion11%
  1. 56% of marketers said they share their content on social media for organic content promotion. 

The following table shows the ways of organic content promotion. 

Ways of organic content promotionShare of respondents
Sharing content on social media56%
Optimizing content for search32%
Facebook Groups26%
PR/Media Relation25%
Link Building19%
Articles in a third-party publication18%
LinkedIn groups17%
Influencer and expert partnerships15%
None of the above4%
  1. 53% of marketers said their page engagement went up after updating content. 

This table shows the results marketers got after updating content. 

Results marketers get after updating contentShare of respondents
The engagement went up53%
Ranking/Traffic increased49%
Nothing Changed15%
Ranking/Traffic decreased13%
The engagement went down12%
We did not update content4%
  1. 46% of marketers said attracting more traffic to their website is their top content marketing goal in 2023. 

The table below shows the leading content marketing goals for 2023. 

Leading content marketing goalsShare of Respondents
Attract more traffic46%
Increase brand awareness45%
Generate leads34%
Generate sales/revenue25%
Improve customer loyalty and engagement23%
Build and nurture a subscriber/followers17%
Promote new products/improve product positioning11%

Source: Semrush.

SaaS SEO Statistics

SaaS companies are also using content marketing in their marketing strategy. They received traffic by using content marketing. 

In this section, we will see all the important statistics of SaaS SEO. 

  1. SaaS companies that use content marketing have 30% higher growth than those that do not use content marketing. 
  1. 15% of top SaaS brands do not have blogs worldwide. 
  1. 53.6% of traffic is received from direct traffic by SaaS companies. 
SaaS SEO Statistics

This table shows the source from which SaaS companies receive traffic. 

Direct search53.6%
Organic Search26.4%
Social Media2.2%
Paid Search1.7%
Display Ads0.6%
  1. Of all SaaS companies’ social media traffic, YouTube contributes the more, with 33%.

The following table shows the total breakdown of Social media traffic of SaaS companies. 

Social Media PlatformsShare of Traffic
WhatsApp Web app9%
Stack Overflow9%

Source: techtipswithtea.com.

Ranking Statistics

7% of pages rank between the 1 to 10 search results within the year of their publication. There are many factors which are affecting on ranking. 

In this article, we will see all the important statistics about ranking. 

  1. Over 90.63% of pages do not get organic search traffic on Google. 

The table below shows the visits of pages on Google. 

Page VisitPercentage of Pages
0 visits90.63%
1 to 10 visits5.29%
11 to 100 visits2.84%
101 to 1000 visits1.04%
More than 1001 visits0.21%
  1. The top-ranking pages get organic traffic 49% of the time. 
  1. 7% of pages rank in the top 10 search results within a year of their publication. 
  1. Almost 7.4% of top-ranking pages do not have title tags. 
  1. 92.6% of top-ranking pages have title tags. 
  1. Google is 33% likelier to rewrite title tags. 
  1. Over 25.% of top-ranking pages do not have meta descriptions. 
  1. 37.22% of the time, Google show meta description in search result. 
  1. Approx 60% of top-ranking pages are over three years old on Google. 

This table shows the age of top-ranking pages on Google. 

Age of top-ranking pagePercentage of top-ranking pages
Two years old18%
Three or more than three years old58%
  1. With 32.8%, the On-page element is the top search engine optimization factor for search ranking. 

The following table shows the leading SEO factors for search rankings.

Search ranking factorsPercentage
On-page elements32.8%
Organic user behavior30.9%
Depth and accuracy of the content24.6%
Structured Data21.1%
Content Freshness19%
Mobile Friendly17.9%
Brand Awareness17.8%
Topic Relevance17.5%
Site Speed13.8%
Internal Linking13.7%
Domain Authority12.4%
Site Security11.9%
Expertise, Authority, and Trust9.4%
Social Signals7.1%

Source: Ahref, Backlinko, Statista. 

Backlinks  Statistics

7.1% of businesses spend more than $15,000 per month on link-building. The link-building method is essential for ranking. 

In this article, we will see all the important statistics about link-building. 

  1. Guest posting and content marketing are the most effective link-building methods, with 11.7% and 12.5%, respectively. 

The table below shows the top link-building methods. 

Link building methodsPercentage 
HARO/Expert roundups6.1%
Content Marketing12.5%
Guest Posting11.7%
Link Exchange10.9%
Link Insertions9.9%
Forum Links9.7%
OtherLinksoken Link, redirects, press releases, directories)33.7%
  1. 38.4% of businesses spend around $1,000 to $5,000 on link buildings monthly. 

This table shows the spending on link-building monthly. 

Spending on Link-building Share of businesses
$0 to $1,00034.1%
$1,000 to $5,00038.4%
$5,000 to 10,00020.3%
More than $15,0007.1%
  1. Over 58% of businesses think that link-building has a high impact on their search engine ranking.

The following table shows the impact of link building on SERP according to businesses.  

Impact of link-buildingShare of respondents
Low Impact4.1%
Moderate Impact37.3%
High Impact58.1%
  1. Over 56% of businesses think the quantity and quality of links impact ranking.

The table below shows the impact of quantity and quality of links on ranking.

ImpactShare of respondents
  1. 25% of businesses use Google Search Console for link building. 

This table shows the share of the link-building tools in link-building.

Link-building ToolShare of Tool
Google Search Console25%
Screaming Frog10%
  1. 22.5% of businesses said their leading key performance indicator is to increase traffic when it comes to the success of link-building. 

The following table shows the leading key performance indicators of link-building. 

Main KPIShare of respondents
Traffic increases22.5%
Ranking increase19%
Referral traffic13%
New unique domains12%
Total links10.5%
DR increase10%
  1. Over 66% of pages on Google do not have backlinks. 
  1. More than 43% of top-ranking pages have reciprocal links. 
  1. $361.44 is the average cost of buying links. 

Source: Adamconnell, Ahref.

Keywords Statistics

Only 0.0008% of keywords get more than 100,000 searches per month. The keyword is the primary foundation of a good SEO. 

In this section, we will see all the important statistics about Keywords. 

  1. 3.81 billion keywords have a 0 to 10 search volume distribution per month. 

This table shows the monthly search volume distribution of 4 billion keywords. 

Search VolumeNumber of KeywordsPercentage of Keywords
0 to 10 3.81 billion94.74%
11 to 10000.20 billion5.14%
1001 to 1000000.040 billion0.10%
More than 1000001313390.0008%
  1. 85 of the search queries are in the form of questions. 
  1. 15% of Google searches are unique; they are never searched before. 
  1. 50% of searches on Google contain four or more words. 

Source: Ahref.

Statistics On SEO challenges

32.9% of SEO professionals said that lack of resources is one of the biggest challenges in SEO. There are many challenges in SEO. Want to know more about it, then keep reading.  

In this section, we will see all the important statistics about SEO challenges and issues. 

  1. 37.9% of search engine optimization professionals believe that budget constraint is the main challenge for search engine optimization. 

The table below shows a list of some more challenges that search engine optimization professionals face.

Challenges Faced by Search Engine Optimization ProfessionalsShare of Respondents
Budget cuts37.6%
Strategy Issue34.8%
Lack of resources32.9%
Pandemic-related issues27.9%
Alignment with other departments27%
Scaling processes25.8%
Client Relationship14.1%
Legal Approval10.6%
Not experienced5.2%
  1. 50% of websites think duplicate content is the most common website SEO issue worldwide. 

This table shows the most common website SEO issues worldwide. 

The most common website SEO issueShare of websites
Duplicate Content50%
Missing alt attributes45%
Duplicate title tags35%
Broken internal links35%
Duplicate meta descriptions30%
Low text-to-HTML ratio28%
Missing meta descriptions25%
Broken external links25%
Multiple H1 tags20%
Missing H120%
Low word count18%
Duplicate content in H1 and title15%
Too much text within the title tag15%
Too many on-page links15%
Correct language declaration is missing12%
Temporary redirects10%
Broken internal images10%
Missing title tags8%
Not enough text within title tags4%

Source: Statista.

Threats to SEO 

Threats to SEO 

Over 35% of SEO experts say Google Update is one of the biggest threats to SEO. 

In this section, we will discuss the threats to SEO. 

  1. 38.7% of SEO experts said Google zero-click pages are one of the biggest threats to SEO.

This table shows the biggest threats to SEO. 

Threats to SEOShare of SEO experts
Google zero-click pages38.7%
Google updates35.1%
Machine Learning28.4%
Third-party cookies change22.9%
Messaging Platforms21.3%
Offline brand awareness17.8%
Government Regulations16.7%
Site Security13.7%
Email Marketing12.7%
Do not think there are any4.9%

Source: Statista.

SEO Trends

There are many trends in SEO.  But, in this section, we will see all the essential trends of SEO. 

  1. 18% of searchers search for new queries before clicking on their organic search results. 
  1. 25% of businesses spend on mobile optimization.
  1. 50% of searches were 1 to 2 words in 2022, and 75% of Google advertisements were 3 to 5. This will make its way into 2023 as well. 
  1. Google’s core update increased website traffic with Artificial Intelligence-generated content in 2022. This will continue in 2023. 
  1. 1.1 billion smartphone users will use voice searches weekly in the future. 
  1. Click-through rate increases by 2 to 3 times through brand connection. 
  1. 2.5 million searches showed that the “People Also Ask” feature now shows almost 49% of searches. 

Source: Demandsage.  

Future Of SEO

The SEO industry is expected to grow continuously. In this section, we will see some of the important statistics related to the future of SEO. 

  1. The SEO industry expert projects that the SEO industry will reach $99.4 billion by the end of 2027. 
  1. 80% of marketers are using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. These numbers will increase in the future.  

Source: Demandsage. 

Here we are at the end of the article. I want to sum up this by saying these SEO statistics are important to your marketing strategy in 2025. 

The SEO industry will grow rapidly in the future. To compete with your competitors , you need to plan your SEO strategy correctly. 

These SEO statistics are changing every day. For more updates, keep revisiting this article. We assure you that we will be  updating this article from time to time. 


What are the latest statistics on SEO? 

According to Demandsage, the worth of the SEO industry is more than $50 billion as of 2023. 

How much traffic can SEO generate?

According to Rock content, the average SEO campaign can generate 1000% more traffic 

 What is bad for SEO?

Providing the wrong content to your customer is bad SEO. Not knowing what your customers are searching for does not match search intent. 

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